
Meeting with Brother Ping again! We'll be seeing each other more often during this time, so don't get tired of each other, everyone. This month is Brother Ping's birthday month, and we have some great, value-packed promotions to delight all our users. If you're looking for the best deals, look this way. You're on the right track because Brother Ping 🦈 has prepared some special extras for this special month, just for our special customers

PingBooster is giving away big bonuses and extra perks.

Don't miss out, everyone! Let's join in on PingBooster's promotions together. After all, it's not every day that it's Brother's birthday! We're offering extra bonuses to make gamers like us happy ⚡


💜 Buy 1 year, get 2 months free.
💜 Plus, get the coolest PingBooster shirt with every annual plan purchase. (for annual plans only)
💜 Shirt Request Form:

⏰ Promotion Period: November 1st - 30th, 2023 (the entire month)
➡ Join the celebration here:





Trust the timing in your life.

Blog & Review

Notification of termination of PingBooster service

PingBooster would like to inform everyone that We will end the service on December 27, 2024, which will result in customers being unable to apply f...  Read More

Game On, Ping Off 30% Discount on All Packages.

Year-End Promotion 2023 from Ping: Enjoy a 30% discount on all packages with the promo code, and get an additional promo code for 3 more days free!  Read More

Optimize Your Ping Overwatch 2 with VPN PingBooster

PingBooster VPN Play Overwatch fix lagging, high ping, Unblock Games blocked in your country  You can use a PingBooster to protect yourself while ...  Read More